I hope everyone is having a great summer and that wherever you are isn’t too hot; or for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere – too cold! Recently the team in Cambodia was experiencing 45-47C on the range while they were testing, and the drones and cameras were refusing to fly due to the extreme heat. |
| Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about capacity building and what that really means. A quick review shows that most every organization in the HMA sector says they build capacity, but they define it in different ways. Golden West has made building capacity a core activity in all our lines of effort.
To me, building real capacity should include a source of sustainable funding. Developing and training a work force who will always depend on outside funding is not sustainable. Geopolitics and economics change and what is funded today as a priority may not be tomorrow’s priority. Golden West looks for enduring organizations that will be supported long after we have departed. Here are just a few of the many successful capacity building programs you have supported…
In the Solomon Islands, Golden West, funded by Department of State PM/WRA and Department of Defense HDR&D, developed a real EOD capacity in the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force. We trained and mentored the RSIPF EOD team through a customized, purpose-built curriculum based on international standards that focused on WWII ERW. We chose the RSIPF team as an enduring structure that would always be sustained, regardless of external funding, started with the basics and then trained them to operate their own program. |
|  | Police Officer wearing the badge of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF), at Taro Police Station |
 | CMAC Lv 3 EOD Technician is conducting the demolition setup of UXOs at the demolition site. |
| In Cambodia, Golden West worked for years in a cooperative program with the Cambodian Mine Action Center, training EOD operators and developing the highly acclaimed Explosive Harvesting Program to produce low-cost explosive charges for eliminating ERW throughout the Kingdom. An entire generation of Khmer EOD technicians has cycled through the Golden West operated Applied Technology Training Center and benefited by their work with Golden West. |
 | Afifa Habbassi supporting the "UN Saferguard Training for Women" as an instructor. Austria, July ‘24 |
| In Europe, Golden West is working with multiple nations to support EOD training and PSSM skills and infrastructure building programs. All these programs build capacity in enduring civil, military, or public safety organizations that will always exist independent of external funding.
Our Swim for Life Program in Vietnam works to build drowning prevention capacity into the fabric of communities and is gaining recognition by educators, government, and civil society. |
 | A Vietnamese student enjoying one of Swim For Life’s survival swim courses |
| I am extremely proud of the capacities we have helped create. Through your dedication and hard work, a lot of people are better off. We will continue to follow the path of building genuine capacity for our customers.
Thanks for all you do to make Golden West the leader in capacity building. Keep up the great work!
Best regards and be safe, Al |
Watch our SALW Decommissioning Program in action by clicking the image, or the link below |
To celebrate this extraordinary milestone, we have produced a short, 3-minute movie showing our decommissioning program in action. You can watch it HERE, and get a sneak peak before it is published on social media and our website. |
Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen, (centre), with the trainees of the UN Saferguard Training for Women, and our own Afifa Habassi (right) |
At the beginning of July, our colleague Afifa Habbassi, one of our fully qualified PSSM subject matter experts, supported the "UN Saferguard Training for Women" as an instructor. Afifa and the training team had the distinct honor of meeting the Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen. This meeting highlights the importance of the mission, and the recognition of the vital role women play in this field.
This program, now in its second iteration, was organized by UNODA and hosted by the Austrian Armed Forces. It represented another significant step towards empowering women in ammunition management, Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) programs, and Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM).
If you’d like to learn more about the training and the women forging a path in PSSM, please visit our LinkedIn page, where we profiled a series of interview with the program trainees. Thank you to UNODA, the Austrian Armed Forces, and all of the participants who are paving the way for a safer world.
Our HMA missions often goes beyond clearing unexploded ordnance. We focus on empowering communities, especially children, with the knowledge to stay safe. |
Recently, our team completed a critical mission in the Marshall Islands, where we not only recovered and destroyed 21 explosive remnants of war but also conducted life-saving education for both kids and adults.
We trained Police officers to safely geotag UXO locations; conducted Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) for over 200 school children; and distributed EORE materials and held briefings at public gatherings, ensuring the message of safety reached as many local residents as possible.
These efforts are vital in preventing accidents and ensuring a safer environment for future generations. Our work in schools helps children identify UXO and understand the actions to take if they encounter these dangers.
The collaboration with local residents and authorities was instrumental in our success. Together, we've not only removed immediate threats but have also built a foundation for ongoing safety education.
Thank you to the United States Department of Defense, PM/WRA, and the local community for their unwavering support. We look forward to continuing our mission to safeguard the Marshall Islands. |
|  | CHPO Director & GWHF Project Manager conducting EORE on Wotje island |
|  | Golden West Medic donating medical supplies to the Wotje Clinic |
|  | GWHF teaching Wotje Police Officers use of GPS devices & procedures to mark suspected UXO locations, and EORE |
July holds significant importance in the international Drowning Prevention Calendar, with World Drowning Prevention Day observed on 25th July.
Amid a flurry of activities, Swim For Life successfully guided 600 children through survival swim courses across 16 different schools and private pools in the Quang Binh and Quang Tri provinces! |
A standout event was a youth swimming championship organized in collaboration with the Quang Binh Provincial Youth Union.
The tournament saw participation from 173 young athletes from across the province, divided into five age groups: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-17 years old.
The athletes competed in 50m and 100m freestyle and breaststroke events for both boys and girls.
The tournament concluded with the Organizing Committee awarding a total of 90 medals — gold, silver, and bronze — along with certificates and cash prizes to the top performers in each age group. Every athlete who participated in the tournament and completed the races also received a certificate of completion.
This event not only helped to promote swimming as a vital life skill and enhance physical fitness but also played a crucial role in raising awareness about drowning prevention. Moreover, it served as a platform to identify and nurture young talent, with the potential to develop a strong pool of high-quality athletes for the province in the future. |
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