Allan Vosburgh (COL USA Retired) served a distinguished military career spanning more than 36 years of service. He is a Vietnam Veteran and a Master EOD technician with over 50 years of experience in Aviation Ordnance, Infantry, Munitions Management, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Humanitarian Demining, Safety, and RDT&E. After graduating from Army OCS, the Ordnance Officer Basic Course and EOD School, he was assigned as a Nuclear Weapons Instructor at NAVSCOLEOD. He served as EOD Officer and Range Control Officer at the U.S. Army Kwajalein Missile Range and Commanded the 6th Ordnance Detachment (EOD) in Hawaii for four years. After three years as EOD Staff Officer for the U.S. Army Pacific, Vosburgh was assigned to Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana as Director of Materiel Testing. Following participation in Operation Vigilant Warrior in Saudi Arabia, he was assigned to the USARJ G4 in Japan. He next served as Support Operations Officer in the 17th Area Support Group at Camp Zama. He commanded the 3d Ordnance Battalion (EOD) at Fort Lewis with eight subordinate companies and deployments to Bosnia and Kosovo and lots of rotations at the NTC. Following battalion command, he was assigned to the Pentagon, Department of the Army DCSOPS/G3 as Training Ammunition Officer. He attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (now the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy at Fort McNair). His final assignment was in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict) managing Humanitarian Demining, Explosive Ordnance Disposal programs, and Special Operations munitions.
Al proudly served Golden West Humanitarian Foundation in a variety of volunteer positions from 2005-2016, becoming CEO in 2016 and President in 2023, expanding our impact across the world, from South America to South-East Asia, Africa to the Pacific Islands, establishing the Swim for Life program with the goal of eliminating preventable drowning in Vietnam.
Al now serves Golden West on the Board of Directors and continues regular participation in Swim for Life.